The Journey I had to go a wandering I had to scale the mountains I could not look to others But now I have a new song
by Alison Stormwolf
Leave everything behind me
I had to find the reason for my life
I had to go a seeking
And tracing ancient pathways
My lonely journey cut me like a knife.
Of passion and possessions
I had to trawl the grave of poverty
But still my soul was urging me
To keep upon that pathway
The only one to set my spirit free
To help me on my journey
The task was mine and mine alone
So many nights in torment
So many painful daybreaks
SO many times I cried out
To go home
A different new perspective
A blessed new awareness of my role
It's been a long hard journey
From that aching inner yearning
But not too long to go now
Until I am home!
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